Wednesday, September 22, 2010

He once had an awkward moment, just to see how it feels

This is a compilation of exploits from The Most Interesting Man in the World.

I'm sure you all have seen these commercials, but I think it's a great example of rhetoric. The creators knew exactly who their audience was and created a following for their beer. What guy doesn't want to be "The Most Interesting Man in the World"?

In my opinion, Dos Equis is a good enough beer to sell itself, but they took it to a whole new level. By drinking their beer, you are making a statement about the kind of man you are: you're the guy who goes for it. You're not afraid to risk it all. You don't settle for mediocre. "Sharks have a week dedicated to you."

I won't lie; the first time I saw these commercials I had a Dos Equis with my dinner downtown. These people have turned the simple act of drinking a beer into an art of living. In a society where individual achievement is paramount, the creators of these commercials have made it as easy as reaching for a Dos Equis. Long story short: great commercial and a great beer.



  1. I really like all of these commercials, and apparently they're doing their job since you had a Dos Equis with your dinner.

  2. The Most Interesting Man in the World commercials always make me think of Old Spice commercials. I'd love to see a side-by-side comparison on the effectiveness of, say, Old Spice ads vs. Axe ads or Dos Equis ads vs. Bud Light ads.

    Choosing your audience & how you communicate with them is the advertising industry.

  3. i mean what guy doesn't want to be hugh hefner? rhetorical question. Eventually they are going to have to start catering to the female audience (I'm thinking Lindsay Lohan). But it's very effective and it's about the celebrity status as well. Rhetorical commercials are always successful when famous people are present. Of course so are other commercials because they cater to the average citizen. I really should start paying attention the commercials these days... thanks for sharing.

  4. I love this commercial (And beer) and when these commercials came on I laughed at every one. I love how laid back he is, and how confident they are in having him say "I don't always drink beer..." That's like a cable company saying "I don't really watch TV... but get Charter." I feel like the confidence shown in the man just makes so you go "Wow, dude doesn't really drink beer. But he when he does he drinks this stuff!!"

  5. Love this beer, hands down one of the best dinner beers and he commercials are always a good laugh.
